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ProstaStream Reviews 2024 – Your Secure Prostate Assistance

The dietary supplement ProstaStream claims to reduce the size of a man’s prostate in as little as 15 seconds every night as he sleeps. An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), might potentially be treated naturally with two capsules of ProstaStream taken daily.

Read on for a rundown of ProstaStream’s ingredients, how it works, and why you need to start taking the supplement right now.

ProstaStream Reviews :What is ProstaStream ?




For males dealing with an enlarged prostate, there is a nutritional supplement called ProstaStream.

Supporting proper prostate size, each capsule of ProstaStream contains a combination of nutrients, minerals, and plant extracts. The official word on this is that taking two capsules of ProstaStream daily will help keep your prostate in good shape.

Enlarged prostates affect half of all males over the age of 50. Enlarged prostates, sometimes called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), cause a variety of symptoms, including an increased risk of urinary tract infections. Those suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and an enlarged prostate are the intended users of ProstaStream, according to the product’s developers:

  1. If you have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or an enlarged prostate, you should try ProstaStream.
  2. You may get relief from your frequent or incomplete bladder emptying symptoms with ProstaStream.
  3. A nutritional supplement firm situated in Englewood, Colorado distributes ProstaStream.

 ProstaStream Reviews: How Does  Work?

According to the official website, ProstaStream “shrinks your prostate in just weeks” when used as part of a 15-second male nighttime routine.

By reducing the size of the prostate, ProstaStream hopes to alleviate symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and enlarged prostates.

Sexual dysfunction, frequent urination during the night, trouble emptying the bladder, trouble starting or stopping urine, and other symptoms are common in men with an enlarged prostate.

To help shrink your prostate, ProstaStream uses a proprietary combination of all-natural substances in every drink. All of those substances contribute to prostate health, although in various ways. To promote a larger prostate, certain substances work by reducing inflammation and filling the body with antioxidants. Others focus on reducing prostate enlargement through the use of traditional medicinal herbs and plants that have been highly regarded for generations.

ProstaStream Reviews : Enlarged Prostate

The developers of ProstaStream claim that there is no correlation between age and prostate size. Aging does not inevitably bring to an enlarged prostate, and neither does the need to manage symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

So much so that “the real case of prostate enlargement has everything to do with your body mistaking your hormones for a lethal infection… “and that BPH “has nothing to do with age,” according to ProstaStream’s creators.

Your body erroneously views the matter as a fatal infection, leading to an enlarged prostate and the accompanying symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Erectile dysfunction, hair loss, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are the three most prevalent issues facing men in their twilight years, and they are all caused by the same physiological response.

ProstaStream asserts that it may alleviate enlarged prostates by utilizing a time-honoured Japanese technique that gets to the bottom of the problem. By getting to the bottom of things, you may reduce the size of your prostate while simultaneously increasing your energy, sexual desire, and control over your bladder.

A Brief Overview of the 15-Second “Japanese Honour” Technique

A 15-second “Japanese Honour” approach served as the basis for the development of ProstaStream, the supplement.

The creators of ProstaStream claim that the practice has its origins in the old Japanese samurai who utilized it to reduce the size of their prostate.

A few of ProstaStream’s components have a long history of usage as an all-natural means of prostate reduction in traditional Japanese medicine.

Japan is home to several of the natural components used in ProstaStream. Research for a cure for prostate disorders was undertaken by Frank Neal, who was involved in the creation of ProstaStream. Through his investigation, he discovered a set of all-natural Japanese components. The ProstaStream recipe made use of some of those substances.

Recent research suggests that these time-tested components may be useful in treating an enlarged prostate. The components have a long history of usage in traditional medicine, and they are now proving their worth in several randomized, placebo-controlled scientific trials that have been published in prestigious medical publications.

Read Our other article : DentaTonic Reviews 2024

ProstaStream Reviews : Ingredients for ProstaStream

A combination of all-natural substances associated with prostate health and enlargement is what makes up ProstaStream.

The complete inventory of ProstaStream components consists of:

Sterol Complex from Plants: 

Each serving of ProstaStream contains 300 milligrams of plant sterol complex, the main component of the supplement. Sterols are organic substances that occur naturally in plants. There is some evidence that they may be able to reduce cholesterol levels safely. Plants, not people, produce sterols that are chemically comparable to cholesterol. There are a lot of plant sterols in several all-natural substances. several of them include nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. According to research, they can be beneficial for heart health. Research has also shown that plant sterols are an excellent source of the BPH-management drug beta-sitosterol.

Saw Palmetto: 

Saw palmetto has a long history of medicinal usage and is indigenous to the southeastern United States. Saw palmetto has recently gained popularity as an ingredient in prostate supplements; preliminary research suggests it may help maintain a healthy prostate size. In several ways, saw palmetto—the second most important component of ProstaStream—may assist with BPH.

Pygeum Africanum: 

A popular herbal treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is Pygeum Africanum. Its traditional medicinal usage dates back centuries in southern and central Africa. More recent research has connected the natural compounds found in Pygeum Africanum to systemic inflammation; in particular, several studies have related Pygeum Africanum to a normal prostate size.


Vitamins E and B6 are both included in ProstaStream. Vitamin E (87 percent of the DV) and vitamin B6 (196.6 percent of the DV) are both provided by this amount. Research has connected vitamin E, one of the most effective antioxidants found in nature, to beneficial inflammation throughout the body. The cellular level of energy generation is supported by vitamin B6, which is also essential for energy.


Zinc, selenium, and copper are just a few of the minerals included in ProstaStream that have been associated with prostate health. The copper, zinc, and selenium content of one serving of ProstaStream is 22%, 91%, and 255% of the daily values, respectively. Research suggests that men’s health may be negatively impacted if they do not get enough of these three minerals. It is possible that ProstaStream, which is a dietary supplement that contains these three minerals, can aid with prostate enlargement and other issues.

Red Raspberry: 

There are 50 milligrams of red raspberry fruit extract in one serving of ProstaStream. The high vitamin C content of red raspberry fruit extract helps maintain a healthy level of inflammation in the body.

Annona Muricata Leaf: 

Annona muricata leaf, also called soursop or graviola, is naturally sweet and sour. Due to its high concentration of flavonoids and acetogenins, the plant extract may have antioxidant properties, according to some research.

Herbal Tea Leaves: 

Similar to red raspberry, ProstaStream contains green tea leaf extract, which has antioxidant properties. Research suggests that the antioxidant properties of green tea leaf, through its natural compounds such as EGCG, may permeate the bloodstream. Research on the impact of green tea on prostate health is limited, although there is mounting evidence that it can modulate systemic inflammation.

Cat’s Claw: 

The traditional medicinal usage of a cat’s claw dates back hundreds of years. The Amazon jungle and other regions of South and Central America are native habitats for the woody vine known as cat’s claw. The anti-inflammatory and health-promoting properties of a cat’s claw have led to its inclusion in an increasing number of dietary supplements in recent years.

Extracts from Mushrooms: 

Each of the three active mushroom extracts in ProstaStream—maitake, reishi, and shiitake—contains 10 milligrams. Traditional medicine has long made use of mushroom extracts due, in part, to their high concentration of beta-glucans, which have been associated with positive health effects.

Amino Acids: 

L-glutamic acid, L-alanine, and L-glycine are the three amino acids or amino acid precursors found in ProstaStream. A possible source of energy might be these three amino acids. While the majority of research has not looked at how amino acids affect prostate health, there are several ways in which amino acids may benefit general health.

Additional Phyto-Herbs: 

Inflammation and overall prostate health are two of the many topics covered by the dozens of plant and herb extracts included in ProstaStream. Pumpkin seed, burdock, quercetin, juniper, uva ursi, buchu, cayenne pepper, broccoli, tomato, and burdock are among the other active constituents in ProstaStream.

ProstaStream Advantages

The official website states that ProstaStream can provide all of the following advantages:

  • Pee like an adolescent!
  • You shouldn’t be concerned with keeping a constant pee output.
  • Rejuvenate yourself first thing in the morning
  • A few droplets of urine should never be a problem.
  • Indulge in the vitality and desire of a youthful guy as you slumber soundly.
  • You will never again have to stress over nasty kidney disease, painful bladder stones, or urinary tract infections.

The Cost of ProstaStream 

While a single bottle of ProstaStream costs $69, you may save as much as $49 when you buy more than one.


Prostastream-reviews-100 -natural-supplement

When you buy ProstaStream online right now, the price is as follows: 
  • $19 for a single bottle with free delivery inside the US
  • 3 Bottles: $177 (or $59 per bottle) + Free Shipping Within the US
  • $794 for 6 bottles ($49 for each bottle) + FREE shipping within the US

Get ProstaStream Here at the Lowest Price Ever!

Frank says he is “not about the money” when it comes to his supplement, and that he intentionally priced the formula inexpensive so that other families wouldn’t have to go through what his family went through.

ProstaStream’s Policy on Refunds

If you aren’t completely satisfied with ProstaStream within 60 days of purchase, you may get your money back. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, you may start the return procedure by contacting the manufacturer.


For what length of time will the Neotonics skin care gummies show results?

Because every individual is unique, outcomes may vary from one person to the next. That being said, some people could recover more quickly, while others might take longer. The Neotonics compound performed best when taken continuously for at least three months, according to the experiments. Therefore, in order to achieve the best benefits, it is advised to use the 3- or 6-month bottles.

Can I take my other meds with Neotonics probiotic gummies?

Indeed. Neotonics does not conflict with other prescription drugs or dietary supplements. To calm your mind, it is advisable to speak with your doctor before taking any supplements if you are on prescription medicine.

When can I expect my order to arrive?

After an order is placed, it is mailed out within 24 hours. Your cargo should arrive in 5 to 7 business days if you are headquartered in the US; if not, it can take up to 10 to 15 business days.

Can I follow the progress of my order?

Indeed. After placing your Neotonics order, you will get an email with a link and your delivery tracking ID within 60 hours. To monitor your order at any time, use this link.



To support prostate health, Frank Neal and his team of all-natural supplement manufacturers developed ProstaStream.

According to the manufacturer, all it takes to experience a 15-second ritual associated with a smaller prostate is two capsules of ProstaStream every day. Even if you discontinue performing that practice a few months from now, it will continue to alleviate prostate issues in the long run.

Click here to visit the official website and read more about ProstaStream and how it works! You can also buy the supplement today!

Affiliate Disclosure: 

There is no extra cost to you, but if you decide to buy the product recommended via the links in this review, we may receive a small compensation. This helps fund the work of our editors and researchers. Rest assured, we exclusively endorse top-notch items. 


A qualified healthcare professional or certified financial adviser should always be consulted for competent medical or financial advice, and nothing included herein should be construed as providing any such replacement. If you use pharmaceuticals or have concerns after reading the review details mentioned above, it is important to contact with a competent physician or financial advisor before making any purchase decisions. Results may vary from person to person and are not guaranteed because the claims made about these products have not been assessed by the FDA or Health Canada. There is no evidence that these products work, according to studies that have been authorized by either the FDA or Health Canada. These items do not give a guarantee of financial success and are not meant to be used for medical purposes. Pricing errors do not reflect the opinion of the reviewer. For the final prices, see the product sales page.


-Prostatate-reviews-3 and 6 bottles, you will have a big discount, and every order

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